Getting to know the changes to the home , school , and society , inspire ss ' love for their home and country 通过对家庭、学校和社会变化的了解,激发学生热爱家庭、热爱祖国的感情。
Our products are popular in more than 26 provinces and regions in home and countries in europe , africa and south - east asia 并承接各种机械加工焊接结构件电火花线切割的加工业务。
Having the feeling of one without a home and country , being stranded in a foreign land with little knowledge of english , i suffered through months and years of darkness . gradually , i felt torn apart by the discontent and my hatred of life . i became so hot - tempered 深切感受到失去家国无所依恃,身处异邦苦于语言不通之不便,使我经年累月过着黯淡的日子,逐渐地,我对人生的不满和恨意几乎要将我撕裂,我变得更加暴躁易怒。
To leave home and country , give up all thoughts of worldly blessings , and clinging to nothing , to wander from place to place in a home - spun smock under a different name , doing people no harm , but praying for them , praying equally for those who drive them away and those who succour them : higher than that truth and that life there is no truth and no life 他们抛弃家庭故乡,抛弃对人间种种福利的操心,穿着粗麻布衣服,改名换姓,无牵无挂地从一处漫游至他处,不危害任何人,而为他人祈祷,为驱赶他们的人祈祷,也为庇护他们的人祈祷,高于这种真理和人生的真理的人生是没有的啊! ”
They are : first , the sense of home and country being one is the historical reason why civil awareness is missing . in the past , the traditional chinese society originated from the unit of home and is blood - related society where three key relationships ( blood - related relatives living - location - related ) govern the interaction between individuals 从历史上看,传统的中国社会是由家庭走向国家,以血缘纽带联系起来的宗法社会,人与人之间的交往是一种典型的“三缘” (血缘、亲缘、地缘)关系。